Dear colleagues
#TRANSTUN’s Real-Life Exercise is taking place in September 2021!
The #exercise tests the #capabilities of operators and end-users at a cross-border tunnel focusing specifically on a #CBRN event.
More information will be provided during and after the exercise, so follow us on Twitter @transtun or visit the project website https://transtun-project.eu/
Do not forget to join the TRANSTUN #Network of #Stakeholders to access further contents and updates about the #Exercise live session and the following assessment: https://bit.ly/37hFt2V
Download the Letter of Interest and send it to info@transtun-project.eu
#MasterCBRN / #CBRNGate are partner of the TRANSTUN project: https://www.cbrngate.com/research/projects/
#Transtun #crossbordertunnel #criticalinfrastructures #capacitybuilding
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