HOME HESAR Master CBRNe - "Prof. Carlo Bellecci" Directive Board - Master CBRNe Didactic Board (2019/2020-2020/21) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 5th Edition 19/20-20/21 - Timeline - First Level MasterCBRN 1st_Lev_Mod. 1 - CBRNe threats between past and current challenges 1st_Lev_Mod. 2 - B Agents. Biological Warfare Agents, history, current challenges, properties, case study 1st_Lev_Mod. 3 - C Agents (P2). HazMat, TIM and Chemical Warfare Agents introduction, history, chemical / physical properties, ERG introduction 1st_Lev_Mod. 4 - DSS, Software 1st_Lev_Mod. 5 - R/N Agents. Radiological and nuclear agents awareness, industry, medical & military 1st_Lev_Mod. 6 - C Agents: Chemical Warfare Agents detection, protection and decontamination operations (OPCW) 1st_Lev_Mod. 7 - Communication and Psychology 1st_Lev_Mod. 8 -Medical Countermeasures, CBRNe First Aid 1st_Lev_Mod. 9 - Investigation in case of CBRNe events 1st_Lev_Mod. 10 - e Agents, CBR IED and EOD, challenges and case studies Thesis Evaluation First Level2020 - 5h Edition (2020/21) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 10th Edition (2020/21-2021/2022) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 6th Edition 20/21-21/22 - Timeline - First Level MasterCBRN 1st_6th_Mod. 1 - CBRNe threats between past and current challenges 1st_6th_Mod. 2 - B Agents. Biological Warfare Agents, history, current challenges, properties, case study 1st_6th_Mod. 3 - C Agents (P1). HazMat, TIM and Chemical Warfare Agents introduction, history, chemical / physical properties, ERG introduction 1st_6th_Mod. 4 - DSS, Software 1st_6th_Mod. 5 - R/N Agents. Radiological and nuclear agents awareness, industry, medical & military COPIAMod. 5 - R/N Agents. Radiological and nuclear agents awareness, industry, medical & military 1st_6th_Mod. 6- OPCW 1st_6th_Mod. 7 - Communication and Psychology 1st_6th_Mod. 8 -Medical Countermeasures, CBRNe First Aid 1st_6th_Mod. 9 - Investigation in case of CBRNe events 1st_6th_Mod. 10 - e Agents, CBR IED and EOD, challenges and case studies Thesis Evaluation First Level2021 - 6h Edition (2021/2022) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 11th Edition (2022/23-2023/24) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 7th Edition (2022/2023) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 12th Edition (2023/24-2024/25) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 8th Edition (2023/2024) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 13th Edition (2024/25-2025/26) - 1st Level CBRNe Master - 9th Edition (2024/2025) - 2nd Level CBRNe Master - 14th Edition Table Top Exercises - TTX Seminari INPS - Borsisti Master Directive_Board_Area Activity Reports CBRNe Intensive Courses Master MENTS Academic Courses Research Scientific Events NEWS Contacts
02/05/2025 - Incontro Scuola NBC di Rieti 02/03/2025 - Investigation of explosives traces in pre-blast contamination scenarios using optimised wet swab sampling 01/30/2025 - Final TTX - MasterCBRNe 01/27/2025 - NCSS - SICC Series CBRNe Conference 01/23/2025 - 4th Edition of the SICC - Scientific International Conference on CBRNe 01/15/2025 - Project 104 - Strengthening crime scene forensics and prosecution capabilities in investigating CBRN incidents in the Middle East Region 01/13/2025 - Operational issues related to the proton beam interactions in the SORGENTINA-RF’s fusion ion source 01/10/2025 - An autonomous IoT monitoring unit for radiological and nuclear emergency management 01/09/2025 - Exciting Collaboration Begins with a Visit to UNIZKM in Albania 01/07/2025 - A rapid radiation epidemiology tool for the analysis of the propagation of radiation following a radiological dispersal device explosion 12/18/2024 - Announcement of Successful Graduation of First Level Master CBRNe - 7th_ed 12/14/2024 - Incontro con il Gen. B. Giorgio Guariglia 12/06/2024 - Borse di studio INPS per iscrizione ai Master CBRNe 12/03/2024 - Visit to the new Commander of the 7th Regiment CBRN Cremona 12/02/2024 - Setup of a method supporting the adoption of a regeneration strategy for FFP2 masks used by rescuers during the Covid-19 emergency 11/29/2024 - AI in CBRN Security - GPC - G7 11/27/2024 - The impact of artificial Intelligence in CBRN Security 11/26/2024 - Nutraceutical recommendations for CBRN and emergency first responders during an airborne biological release incident 11/25/2024 - Master CBRNe - First and Second Levels 11/24/2024 - Convegno Chimici Fisici e Corso COCIM 11/21/2024 - VALUTAZIONE DEI RISCHI CAUSATI DALL’UOMO PER INFRASTRUTTURE CRITICHE COME GLI IMPIANTI DI PRODUZIONE ENERGETICA NUCLEARE: ANALISI DEI METODI 11/19/2024 - Paper on New Microbiologica 11/15/2024 - Visita allo Stabilimento Chimico Farmaceutico 11/14/2024 - European Radiation Protection Week 11/11/2024 - CONVEGNO CBRNe - Centro Antiveleni Bergamo 11/05/2024 - NEW LOGO MASTER CBRNe 10/31/2024 - Unveiling disaster: exploring dam failures and CBRNe events in Brazil and beyond 10/30/2024 - Determination and analysis of spectral fluorescence cross-sections of bacteria aerosols 10/29/2024 - L’innovazione tecnologica a sostegno della sicurezza nazionale 10/25/2024 - The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Advancing the Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention 10/24/2024 - International Conference Frontiers in Diagnotics Technologies 7 10/22/2024 - Fire scenario in a nuclear medicine department: an impact assessment 10/21/2024 - Thermal cross section of poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) hydrogels for neutron dose calculation 10/18/2024 - Biophysical risk in 189 Italian prisons: an inference analysis from the second to the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic 10/17/2024 - Testing and results of an open-source radiation epidemiology model using the Goiânia accident 10/16/2024 - Convegno L’innovazione tecnologica a sostegno della sicurezza nazionale 10/15/2024 - Evaluation of a possible dirty bomb explosion scenario: enforcement of d.lgs. 101/2020, of NBCRe civil defence plan 10/14/2024 - GENERAL ASPECTS OF CHEMICAL SAFETY AND SECURITY IN LABORATORIES 10/11/2024 - Advancing early detection of biological events by digital holographic microscopy and simulation of microorganisms 10/09/2024 - Giuramento Vigili del Fuoco 10/07/2024 - Seminario di approfondimento scientifico 10/04/2024 - Emergency management in a Nuclear Medicine Department: flooding scenario 09/26/2024 - eNOVATION Project Launches with Kick-Off Meeting to Strengthen Global CBRN Training Network 09/23/2024 - Utilization and development of evacuation time estimates in wide-area evacuation planning for nuclear disasters in Japan 09/20/2024 - Master MENTS - Lezione Dr. Rossi 09/19/2024 - Safety EXPO - Bergamo 2024 09/17/2024 - Critical infrastructure monitoring in CBRNe scenarios: a reliable and robust communication network for distributed multimodal sensors 09/16/2024 - Catalysis and decontamination: a versatile tool in the safe and sustainable degradation of chemical warfare agents 09/13/2024 - Recent improvements in the novel approach to the fast detection of surface contaminations 09/12/2024 - New scientific paper published. 09/11/2024 - How familiar is the population of Southeast Serbia with the biosafety procedures for collecting, preparing and preserving wild plants from their surroundings 09/10/2024 - Eventi CBRNe: aspetti organizzativi e clinici 09/02/2024 - Cambio al comando del 7mo reggimento di difesa CBRN Cremona 08/06/2024 - Building risk assessment methodology for explosive and non-conventional terrorist attacks 08/05/2024 - Calibration HPGe detector using IAEA-U source for CBRNe 07/29/2024 - Evaluation of the permanence of benzene on solid material with GC–MS analytical techniques, at time intervals 07/26/2024 - Master MENTS. Lezione Ing. Antonio Boccamazzo, Ph.D 07/25/2024 - Digital chain of custody innovation management roadmap 07/22/2024 - Session 3 - Second Level Master CBRNe - 12 Edition 07/19/2024 - Development of a Methodology for Pooling Resources and Optimising Investments in the Field of CBRN Training and Capacity Building 07/17/2024 - An Analysis of Terrorist Attacks on Soft and Hard Targets in the Period 2000-2019 07/16/2024 - Exploring the Use of Experiential Learning Methods to Increase CBRNe Awareness and Emergency Preparedness of Children 07/15/2024 - Terrorist Attacks to Essential Services, Infrastructures and Facilities in G7 Countries During the Period 2000-2020 07/15/2024 - Toward biodefence: a framework for the mitigation of malicious threats to livestock production enterprises in Australia 07/15/2024 - Master MENTS - Lezione Prof. Gaudio 07/12/2024 - Evaluation of the Environmental and Economic Impact Deriving from the Adoption of a Reuse Strategy for Disposable FFP2 07/11/2024 - Intelligenza artificiale nella chimica e fisica applicata 07/11/2024 - Parametric Assessment of Strategic Buildings for CBRNe and Hybrid Threat Resilience 07/10/2024 - MasterCBRNe at the Global Biosecurity Conference 07/09/2024 - CBRNe defense intensive course 07/08/2024 - Master MENTS - Attività Giugno 2024 07/03/2024 - DSS module - Master CBRNe 07/02/2024 - RN module - Master CBRNe 06/22/2024 - A book on CBRNe from Dr. Luca Fiorani 06/21/2024 - OPCW Training 2024 06/17/2024 - Dutch Explosive Ordnance Disposal 06/14/2024 - Visite BMD e Ospedale Castelli 06/14/2024 - SOGIN - Visita 06/14/2024 - Scuola Centrale Antincendi, Italian Firefighters, Italian Ministry of Interior. 06/14/2024 - Scuola Nazionale delle Amministrazione - Lezione Università di Roma Tor Vergata 05/28/2024 - Training at Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences 05/22/2024 - Final event VERTIgO 05/18/2024 - ADVANCED I-RAD. JCBRNE Defence CoE in Vyškov 05/13/2024 - Project VERTIgO at NBC School of Rieti 04/19/2024 - NARCOSIS. EU Horizon Innovation Actions 04/18/2024 - eNOVATION. EU Horizon Europe Funding Program 04/17/2024 - eNOTICE-2. EU Network of Training Centres for preparedness to CBRN Events. 04/16/2024 - 64. Corso della Scuola Superiore di Radioprotezione. Scuola Carlo Polvani 04/09/2024 - Workshop di presentazione Master MENTS 04/04/2024 - New Scientific Paper Published 04/03/2024 - Audizione Prof. Andrea Malizia - Camera dei Deputati 03/28/2024 - Giuramento Vigili del Fuoco 2024 03/27/2024 - 6th CBRNe Research and Innovation Conference in Strabourg, on 19-21 March 2024 03/16/2024 - Session 1 of thesis discussion - 12th Edition Second Level MasterCBRN 03/13/2024 - ARZ 2023 CBRN exercise - Beirut 03/12/2024 - Module B - MasterCBRNe First Level 03/04/2024 - New scientific paper published! 03/02/2024 - DAY 3-4-5. Module 1 03/01/2024 - Visita al Generale Francesco Paolo Figliuolo 02/28/2024 - DAY 2 - Master CBRNe - 1st and 2nd Level 2024 02/27/2024 - Opening ceremony - Master CBRNe 2024 02/21/2024 - Final TTX - First and Second Level - Master CBRNe 02/08/2024 - G7 Italia - Global Partnership against the spread of WMD 02/05/2024 - Master di Secondo Livello in Metodi, Normativa e Tecniche per la Sicurezza convenzionale e non convenzionale- MENTS 01/31/2024 - Synergies to protect places of worship and religious gatherings 01/26/2024 - Corso per formatori FAD 01/24/2024 - e-Notice 2 12/21/2023 - Abu Dhabi Civil Defence Authority and Dubai: 12 days of meetings and new cooperation opportunities 12/14/2023 - VERTIgO Project Management Board Meeting in Genoa, on 12-13 December 2023 11/30/2023 - Resource Constrained Electronics and Signal Processing for UAV Radiation Sensors 11/29/2023 - On the use of free code tools to simulate the propagation of radiation following dirty bomb explosions in sensible contexts 11/21/2023 - Docenza presso la "Scuola Nazionale dell' Amministrazione" 11/13/2023 - 2024 - First and Second Level Master Courses in Protection Against CBRNe events 10/06/2023 - II Symposium on Countering CBRNe Threats 09/07/2023 - Discussion CBRNe Master Thesis First Level 07/28/2023 - Investigation module - First Level Master CBRNe 07/24/2023 - Module Radiological - Nuclear. Master CBRNe 06/28/2023 - CBRNe Threat. The Dual Use of Remotely Pilot Aircraft System 06/27/2023 - B in CBRN and Something More 06/26/2023 - Prof. Susana De Souzaa Lalic - Brazilian Society of Physics 06/18/2023 - ANIMMA (Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentations Measurement Methods and their Applications) 2023 06/17/2023 - eNOTICE Project Final Conference in Brussels, on 13-15 June 2023 06/16/2023 - Master CBRNe 2nd Level - Visit at Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale 06/16/2023 - SICC Conference 2023 with the PATRONAGE of the ITALIAN ORDER OF BIOLOGIST OF LAZIO AND ABRUZZO 06/14/2023 - ANIMMA 2023 - Workshop N°3: Nuclear security & Emergencies in homeland security 06/14/2023 - 3 rd Project VERTIgO Management Board Meeting 06/09/2023 - Post-mortem imaging: A tool to improve post-mortem analysis and case management during terrorist attacks 06/01/2023 - Thesis Discussion - First Cohort of the 6th edition First Level CBRNe Master course 05/30/2023 - SICC Conference 2023 with the PATRONAGE of the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF CHEMISTS AND PHYSICISTS 05/26/2023 - SICC Conference 2023 with the PATRONAGE of the Interregional Order of Chemists and Physicists of Lazio, Umbria, Abruzzo, Molise 05/15/2023 - eNOTICE Joint Activity at the multidisciplinary training centre Campus Vesta 05/12/2023 - OPCW General Aspects on Chemical Safety and Security in Laboratories workshop 04/28/2023 - Special Issue: Industrial Automation and Control System Cybersecurity in Industry 4.0 Era towards CBRNe Protection 04/25/2023 - 62nd course of the 'Carlo Polvani' school of radiation protection was held at the Centro Interforze Studi ed Applicazioni Militari (CISAM) 04/20/2023 - On the Potential of Relational Databases for the Detection of Clusters of Infection and Antibiotic Resistance Patterns 04/17/2023 - Compact Back-End Electronics with Temperature Compensation and Efficient Data Management for In Situ SiPM-Based Radiation Detection 03/18/2023 - Calibration of spectra in presence of non-stationary background using unsupervised physics-informed deep learning 03/17/2023 - Biological risk in Italian prisons: data analysis from the second to the fourth wave of COVID-19 pandemic 03/17/2023 - Prof. Leonardo PALOMBI, Magnifico Rettore dell'Università Cattolica "Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio" 03/11/2023 - Bio Module - Second Level Master CBRNe 03/07/2023 - Siglato a “Tor Vergata” accordo tra Difesa e Master in Protection against CBRNe events 03/04/2023 - ‘Train the Trainer’ symposium hosted by Project Bullseye in Bratislava 02/22/2023 - Cerimonia di Presentazione dell'Accordo tra Università di Roma Tor Vergata e 7° Reggimento difesa CBRN "Cremona" 02/21/2023 - Rigaku Extends Partnership with Internationally Recognized CBRNe Program at University of Rome Tor Vergata 02/18/2023 - Emergency Management in the Event of Radiological Dispersion in an Urban Environment 02/15/2023 - Sievert or Gray: Dose Quantities and Protection Levels in Emergency Exposure 02/13/2023 - Conviviale Rotary presso il Circolo Funzionari Polizia di Stato - Lungo Tevere Flaminio 02/11/2023 - Real-Time Gamma Radioactive Source Localization by Data Fusion of 3D-LiDAR Terrain 02/10/2023 - University of Roma Tor Vergata met the National Guarantor for the rights of persons deprived of personal liberty 01/28/2023 - Master CBRNe Thesis Discussion 01/26/2023 - Apertura dell'Anno Accademico 22/23 del CNVVF 01/20/2023 - Maj. Daniele Del Gaudio and Dr. Riccardo Quaranta 01/20/2023 - Prof. Jean Luc Gala, Dr. Luca Pinciarelli and Cmd. Stef Stienstra 01/19/2023 - Lezioni presso la SNA e visita al MAECI 01/19/2023 - Dr. Cristiano Franchi, Dr. Gian Marco Ludovici, Dr. Flavio Belvedere and Prof. Jean Luc Gala 01/18/2023 - Dr. Cristiano Franchi, Dr. Gian Marco Ludovici and Prof. Teresa Rinaldi 01/17/2023 - Dr. Cristiano Franchi, Dr. Nicola Simone and Dr. Enrico Fiorentini 01/13/2023 - Maj. Daniele Del Gaudio, Lt. Col. Andrea Gloria and Lt. Comm. Gaetano Matrone 01/13/2023 - Dr. Michael Ian Thornton and Dr. Riccardo Quaranta 01/12/2023 - Dr. Dieter Rothbacher and Dr. Marco Carbonelli 01/12/2023 - Project VERTIgO - Roundtable discussion 01/11/2023 - Prof. Radovan Karkalic - Master CBRNe 01/10/2023 - New Editions of CBRNe Master Courses 12/27/2022 - Artificial Intelligence and Facial Recognition in an IoT Ecosystem: The Impact on Data Protection and Privacy and the Relevance of Ethics 12/22/2022 - Agent-Based Simulation of Heterogeneous Crowd Flows in Critical Infrastructures During Emergencies 12/21/2022 - IoT and Edge Computing as Enabling Technologies of Human Factors Monitoring in CBRN Environment 12/16/2022 - VERTIgO - 2nd Management Board Meeting 12/15/2022 - Atti del convegno AIRP 2022 12/13/2022 - BUILDING VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT FOR E 12/13/2022 - Conclusion of the MELODY project 12/09/2022 - Convegno "Rischio Nucleare in Europa" 12/01/2022 - COUNTERING THE MISUSE OF CBRN MATERIALS AND RELATED INFORMATION 11/29/2022 - Convegno "Il Rischio Nucleare in Europa" 11/28/2022 - NATO CBRN Consequence Management Course 11/24/2022 - Grace Xerri lecturer at the NATO Consequence Management Course in Vyskov 11/18/2022 - 14th Joint Activity organized in the context of the project eNOTICE 11/17/2022 - COUNTERING THE MISUSE OF CBRN MATERIALS AND RELATED INFORMATION 11/14/2022 - Timeline Second Level Master CBRNe 11/10/2022 - L.O.C. - SICC Series CBRNe Conference 2023 11/03/2022 - Timeline First Level Master CBRNe 10/31/2022 - New technologies for detection, protection, decontamination, and developments of the decision support systems in case of CBRNe events: editorial 10/21/2022 - TECHNICAL SESSIONS - SICC Series - CBRNe Conference 2023 10/21/2022 - Building Vulnerability Assessment for Explosive and CBR Attacks 10/13/2022 - “A workflow to develop and implement an E-Health information system in war-torn countries: A case study in Iraqi Kurdistan” 10/11/2022 - A Weighted-LSM Method to Improve Classification and Concentration Evaluation from Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectra 09/23/2022 - Thesis Discussion - First Level MasterCBRN Course (06th Edition) 09/23/2022 - "General Aspects on Chemical Safety and Security in Laboratories". 09/21/2022 - Thesis Discussion - Second Level MasterCBRN Course (11th Edition) 09/16/2022 - Convention between the University of Rome Tor Vergata and the National Guarantor 09/12/2022 - Workshop Cooperation in preparedness and response to Conventional and non-conventional emergencies 08/27/2022 - Experimental study on total coliform violations in the complied NH2CL, O3, and UV treated municipal water supply system 08/02/2022 - Fulvio Paolo Buzzi, M.S. is a new Didactic Board Member 08/01/2022 - Luca Romano, M.S. is a new Didactic Board Member 08/01/2022 - Pre-enrollment CBRNe Master courses open 07/20/2022 - Training at the NBC school of Rieti. 18-19 July 2022 07/12/2022 - Special Issue "Measurements, Instrumentation, Sensing and Simulation Techniques for the Detection of Radiation" 07/07/2022 - Future anti-terrorism and public health CBRNe scenarios 06/24/2022 - Project TRANSTUN and its results have been featured in a paper published by the Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET) journal 06/17/2022 - 17 June 2022 - Thesis Discussion - Master CBRNe 06/16/2022 - XXXVIII CONGRESSO NAZIONALE AIRP DI RADIOPROTEZIONE 06/13/2022 - 08 Luglio 2022 - “Travel risk management, Travel security ed Evacuazione da aree di crisi : approccio, procedure, soluzioni” 06/11/2022 - Fluorescence signatures of SARS-CoV-2 spike S1 proteins and a human ACE-2: excitation-emission maps and fluorescence lifetimes 06/09/2022 - 08-06-22 Visit to the "Atomic Laboratories - Central Directorate for Education " of the Italian Firefighters Department 06/09/2022 - 07-06-22 Visit to the "Central Directorate for Emergency, Technical Rescue and Forest Fire" of the Italian Firefighters Department 06/08/2022 - Esercitazione Mare Aperto 2022 - MasterCBRNe Tor Vergata 06/02/2022 - Webinar on Neutronics and Dosimetry 06/01/2022 - Real-Time Monitoring Method for Radioactive Substances UsingMonolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) 05/30/2022 - Visita presso la centrale nucleare di Latina - SOGIN 05/28/2022 - Convegno "Comunicazione Nucleare: Sapere, Comunicare e Saper Comunicare" 05/25/2022 - Intervento Workshop Innovazione Tecnologica presso Istituto Superiore Antincendi 05/23/2022 - Join activity - eNOTICE and MELODY EU funded projects 05/20/2022 - Seminario "LA COMUNICAZIONE NUCLEARE" - SAPERE, COMUNICARE e SAPER COMUNICARE " 05/18/2022 - Emergenze: i sistemi di comunicazione e di supporto alle decisioni 05/17/2022 - Memoriale Prof. Carlo Bellecci 05/14/2022 - President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan. 05/10/2022 - Workshop CBe Detection - 09 May 2022 05/05/2022 - Esercitazione Mare Aperto 2022 - Università di Roma Tor Vergata 04/27/2022 - Webinar Dr. Matteo Bartolomei 04/20/2022 - TRANSTUN addresses Public-Private-Partnership for CBRN risks 04/15/2022 - RESIST project Final Event 04/11/2022 - SICC Series - CBRNe Workshop [SAVE THE DATE] 04/06/2022 - THE THREAT OF PLANT TOXINS AND BIOTERRORISM: A REVIEW 03/28/2022 - MasterCBRNe Chem-Rad training activity at the Seibersdorf Laboratories 03/18/2022 - EUProtect final Workshop in Madrid 03/16/2022 - TRAINING COURSE ON CBRNe INCIDENTS IN OMAN 03/16/2022 - RESIST Project - Real Life Excercises in Romania 03/14/2022 - New Scientific Paper Published 03/07/2022 - WEBINAR on CBRN Innovation Lab 02/23/2022 - Prof. Francesco d'Errico - EUTERP 2022 Board of Director member 02/22/2022 - Webinar sulla figura dell'Infermiere Pediatrico 02/19/2022 - New scientific paper published 02/14/2022 - THIRD RESIST REAL-LIFE EXERCISE CONCLUDED AT MILAN BERGAMO AIRPORT 02/08/2022 - Manuale delle investigazioni sulle cause di incendi ed esplosioni. Guida teorica e pratica con applicazioni di ingegneria forense 02/06/2022 - A High-Performance Gamma Spectrometer for Unmanned Systems Based on Off-the-Shelf Components 02/06/2022 - History of chemical warfare: from dawn to dusk 02/04/2022 - Lectio Magistralis Dr. Gian Marco Ludovici 02/03/2022 - 26-28 January 2022 - Table Top Excersise and RIGAKU webinar 02/01/2022 - Maj. Daniele Del Gaudio Speaker at CBRNe World Conference 01/31/2022 - RESIST’S 2ND REAL-LIFE EXERCISE CONCLUDED AT PORTO DI AUGUSTA (SIRACUSA) 01/20/2022 - The EUProtect First Use-Case Workshop ended successfully 01/17/2022 - New cooperation with RIGAKU Analytical Devices 01/17/2022 - Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Flora Ten Years after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Disaster 01/17/2022 - VIRTUAL COURSE: Radiation Protection - Emerging Challenges in the medical and industrial sectors 01/15/2022 - Workshop EUPROTECT - 20 January 2022 01/14/2022 - Webinar: Manuale delle investigazioni sulle cause di incendi ed esplosioni 01/13/2022 - Application and Development of Noncontact Detection Method of α-Particles Based on Radioluminescence 01/12/2022 - Webinar. MAXI-EMERGENZE Analisi di casi accaduti e delle lezioni apprese 01/11/2022 - Novel Algorithm for Radon Real-Time Measurements with a Pixelated Detector 01/10/2022 - Effectiveness of a UVC air disinfection system for the HVAC of an ICU 12/17/2021 - Graduation Ceremony MasterCBRN 12/17/2021 - Communication Challenges During Crisis and Emergency Response 12/16/2021 - Outbreaks predictions: from epidemiological models to application solutions 12/10/2021 - RESIST’S FIRST REAL-LIFE EXERCISE CONCLUDED AT ENEA RESEARCH CENTRE CASACCIA 11/27/2021 - TTX - Chemical Emergency scenario 11/19/2021 - Determination of composition of mixed biological samples using laser-induced fluorescence and combined classification/regression models 11/18/2021 - WEBINAR : Infermieri e COVID19 11/18/2021 - Evaluation of the Spatiotemporal Epidemiological Modeler (STEM) during the recent COVID-19 pandemic 11/16/2021 - COUNTERFOG system applied inside the warehouse: verification of the counter response against radiochemical attack scenario 11/15/2021 - Management of patients..NEW PAPER PUBLISHED! 11/14/2021 - Evaluation of the Permanence of Flame Accelerating Material on Burned Material with GC-MS Analytical Techniques 11/12/2021 - Virological Environmental Analysis 11/10/2021 - The HotSpot Code as a Tool to Improve Risk Analysis During Emergencies: Predicting I-131 and CS-137 Dispersion in the Fukushima Nuclear Accident 11/10/2021 - The Effectiveness of Table-Top Exercises in Improving Pandemic Crisis Preparedness 11/09/2021 - Being a Gynecologist Doctor Specialized in IVF, a Mother and a Woman at the Time of COVID-19 11/09/2021 - ☢️ Project DEUSS ☢️ 11/04/2021 - The Impact of the Patient's State on the Destination Care Unit Choice Within the Health Emergency Services Regional Network (HES-RN) in Morocco 11/03/2021 - Simplified Approach for Preliminary Evaluation of Effective Dose Rates for Field Applications of D-T Neutron Generators 11/02/2021 - Design of Miniaturized Sensors for a Mission-Oriented UAV Application: A New Pathway for Early Warning 10/31/2021 - Risks and Safety Measures Associated with the Storage and Transport of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 10/30/2021 - Recovery Method for Emergency Situations with Hazardous Substances Emission into the Atmosphere 10/27/2021 - Communication and Decision Support Systems 10/26/2021 - Drones and Sensors Ecosystem to Maximise the “Storm Effects” in Case of CBRNe Dispersion in Large Geographic Areas 10/25/2021 - Small Satellites Constellations and Their Impact on CBRNe Management in Africa 10/25/2021 - Greetings to Prof. Susana de Souza Lalic 10/24/2021 - ☢️ 10/23/2021 - ☢️ Discrete Convolution-Based Energy Spectrum Configuring Method for the Analysis of the Intrinsic Radiation of 176Lu ☢️ ☢️ 10/22/2021 - ☢️ Convolutional Neural Networks for Challenges in Automated Nuclide Identification od radiation ☢️ 10/20/2021 - Modelling mixing and transport of radioactive effluents in water reservoirs: an application to the operation of a fusion facility 10/20/2021 - Concept of Using Eye Tracking Technology to Assess and Ensure Cybersecurity, Functional Safety and Usability 10/19/2021 - Lean Thinking Approach in Crisis Scenarios: Managing a CBRNe Emergency in a Law Enforcement Department by Means of Managerial Decision-Making Tools 10/18/2021 - A General Multi-Risk Assessment Method for Natural Disasters and CBRNe Attacks 10/15/2021 - CBRN Events and Crisis Communication: Analysis of Training Needs and Development of Curriculum for Communication Personnel 10/15/2021 - Biological Risk in Italian Prisons: From the COVID-19 Management to the Development of a Standardized Model for Emergency Response 10/14/2021 - Prevention Procedures to Contain COVID-19 Contagion in the First Italian Army Field Hospital 10/13/2021 - UAV Fleet Based Accident Monitoring Systems with Automatic Battery Replacement Systems: Algorithms for Justifying Composition and Use Planning 10/12/2021 - A Review of Single and Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment Approaches for Critical Infrastructures Protection 10/11/2021 - CBRNe training in virtual environments: SWOT analysis & practical guidelines 10/08/2021 - Threat Assessment Method for Buildings in Case of Terrorist Attacks 10/07/2021 - Simulation of an active interrogation system for the interdiction of special nuclear materials 10/05/2021 - Visit to the Nuclear Power Plant of Latina - SOGIN spa 10/01/2021 - Special Nuclear Material Identification Through One-Minute Measurement with a New Backpack Radiation Device in Real Scenario Conditions 09/30/2021 - FINAL CONFERENCE of the TRANSTUN 09/27/2021 - CBRNe Book Series - Intervista alla Dr.sa Alba Iannotti 09/26/2021 - 3nd Session of the Thesis Discussion of the 10th Edition of the Second Level CBRNe Master Course 09/25/2021 - Development and performance testing of a miniaturized multi-sensor system combining MOX and PID for potential UAV application in TIC, VOC and CWA dispersion 08/06/2021 - Webinar : 04 August 2020 Beirut Port explosion Points of view from the heart of the event 08/05/2021 - Webinar: Safety and Security Impianti Nucleari 08/04/2021 - TRANSTUN’s Real-Life Exercise (September 2021 - YOU CAN PARTICIPATE)) 08/03/2021 - WEBINAR : Cellular infection mechanism of SARS Cov2 and interactions with the main vaccines in use: Overview and curiosities 08/03/2021 - Numerical Fluid Dynamics Simulation for Drones’ Chemical Detection 08/02/2021 - Ing. Guido Parisi nuovo Capo del Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco 07/30/2021 - CERTIFIED RADIATION PROTECTION OFFICER COURSE 07/30/2021 - Sardegna - Incendi nella Provincia di Oristano 07/29/2021 - Protection from biological events 07/27/2021 - Radioactive Measure System on drones realized by Dr. Andrea Chierici 07/26/2021 - 2nd Session of the Thesis Discussion of the 10th Edition of the Second Level CBRNe Master Course 07/23/2021 - TTX on BIO - 22-23 July 2021 07/22/2021 - Social media emergency communication and crisis management during radiological and nuclear emergencies 07/21/2021 - Prof. Pasquale Gaudio 07/19/2021 - CBRNe Book Series - Intervista al Dr. Riccardo Quaranta 07/16/2021 - SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE WP3 JOINT TECHNICAL WORKSHOP AND THE 4TH CONSORTIUM MEETING OF THE TRANSTUN PROJECT 07/15/2021 - THE THIRD RESIST TRAINING AT THE NBC SCHOOL IN RIETI HAS BEEN COMPLETED 07/14/2021 - Dr. Giulia Vignoli WHO Infodemic Manager 07/13/2021 - Dr. Nicola Simone WHO Infodemic Manager 07/05/2021 - Webinar : "Essere Ostetrica durante la Pandemia Covid-19. Problemi, sfide e dedizione per il lavoro più bello del mondo" 07/01/2021 - Virtual Enhanced Reality for inTeroperable traIning of CBRN military and civilian Operators 06/28/2021 - Travel Risk Management, Travel Security e strategie difensive 06/26/2021 - Travel Risk Management, Travel Security e strategie difensive 06/25/2021 - 1st Session of the Thesis Discussion of the 10th Edition of the Second Level CBRNe Master Course 06/24/2021 - Allium cepa used as a dosimetry system in nuclear and radiological emergencies 06/22/2021 - CBRNe Book Series - Intervista alla Dr.ssa Mariachiara Carestia 06/21/2021 - Evaluation of the imaging performance of the TECNOMUSE muon tomograph and its feasibility in a real scenario 06/18/2021 - Prof. Susana Souza Lalic General secretary of the Brazilian Society of Physics 06/14/2021 - Webinar - “Cooperazione Decentrata e il Ruolo delle Diaspore” 06/14/2021 - EU Protect Webinar 14 June 2021 06/12/2021 - Progetto SENSORS - BANDO PIA 06/11/2021 - Premio “Rompiamo gli schemi”: ecco i migliori innovatori 06/10/2021 - Workshop on General Aspects on Chemical Safety and Security in Laboratories 06/08/2021 - Preliminary evaluations of the environmental impact for the production of 99Mo by fusion neutrons 06/07/2021 - CBRNe Book Series - Intervista alla Dr. Colomba Russo 06/05/2021 - La Dr.ssa Mariapina Gallo su vaccini, epidemie e fragilità 06/04/2021 - CBRNe Book Series - Intervista al Prof. Pasquale Gaudio 06/03/2021 - Travel Risk Management, Travel Security e strategie difensive 06/01/2021 - SARS - CoV-2 - Virus Identification by Remote Ultraviolet System (S-VIRUS) 05/31/2021 - CBRNe Book Series - Intervista al Dr. Andrea Malizia 05/30/2021 - CBRNe Book Series - Intervista al Dr. Gian Marco Ludovici 05/28/2021 - Webinar on VR and CBRN training 05/28/2021 - Proactive project 05/27/2021 - Real-time detection of Chemical Warfare Agents at clearance decontamination levels for surface contamination: a challenge for civilian authorities 05/26/2021 - APPLICATION OF MINIATURIZED SENSORS TO UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES, A NEW PATHWAY FOR THE SURVEY OF CRITICAL AREAS 05/25/2021 - WHO - Infodemic Manager Training - 2nd Edition 05/24/2021 - COURSES HEAT -Hostile Environment Awareness Training 05/22/2021 - CBRNe Book Series - Intervista al Dr. Daniele Di Giovanni 05/21/2021 - L’Emergenza nell’Emergenza: La Donna nella Pandemia da COVID 19 05/20/2021 - CBRNe Book Series - Intervista al Dr. Sandro Sandri 05/17/2021 - CBRNe Book Series - Intervista al Consigliere Emanuele Farruggia 05/14/2021 - EU Protect Second Webinar - 14 June 2021 05/07/2021 - In vivo public monitoring in emergency exposure scenarios 05/04/2021 - Cytogenetic bio-dosimetry techniques in the detection of dicentric chromosomes induced by ionizing radiation: A review 04/28/2021 - Contact-free and fast detection of energetic materials in containments 04/23/2021 - DNA resistance to radiation field: forensic genotyping in a radiological incident scenario" 04/22/2021 - WEBINAR: Communication in crisis: Recommendations on Management, Approaches and Tools for Effective Communication 04/21/2021 - RDX remote Raman detection on NATO SET-237 samples 04/20/2021 - MasterCBRNe 2021 - Students admitted 04/19/2021 - WHO Guidelines for establishing a poison centre 04/18/2021 - Mass Decontamination of Special and Disabled Groups Following an Urban CBRN Incident 04/16/2021 - To be or not to be “resilient”? That is the problem Resilience applied on CBRNe threat 04/15/2021 - Fast surface disinfection with COUNTERFOG® SDR-F05A+ 04/14/2021 - Workshop:Emerging technologies for the Early location of Entrapped victims under Collapsed Structures and Advanced Wearables for risk assessment and First Respo 04/12/2021 - "International Workshop on CBRN AND HAZMAT SECURITY AND SAFETY IN UNIVERSITIES AND ACADEMIC CENTERS IN KURDISTAN REGION" 04/06/2021 - International Workshop on CBRN AND HAZMAT SECURITY AND SAFETY IN UNIVERSITIES AND ACADEMIC CENTERS IN KURDISTAN REGION 03/24/2021 - Infectious Diseases Seeker (IDS): An Innovative Tool for Prompt Identification of Infectious Diseases during Outbreaks 03/23/2021 - Recurrent neural network ensemble, a new instrument for the prediction of infectious diseases 03/18/2021 - A low-cost radiation detection system to monitor radioactive environments by unmanned vehicles 03/01/2021 - New Scientific Paper Published 02/26/2021 - CAP. HOJUN Kwon - Thesis Discussion 02/24/2021 - Student of the First Level MasterCBRN works 02/18/2021 - BORDEAUXROT, the unofficial magazine of the German CBRN Defence Corps 02/14/2021 - Disaster Management of a Major CBRN Accident 02/11/2021 - “Testing the identification effectiveness of an unknown outbreak of the Infectious Diseases Seeker (IDS) using and comparing the novel coronavirus disease (COVI 02/10/2021 - WEBINAR -I Biologi e la realtà CBRNe 02/01/2021 - IAEA Consultancy meeting for EPR RN Master Degree 02/01/2021 - Service Framework Contract for the Provision of CBRN Protection Research & Technology Studies and Expertise 01/29/2021 - Special Issue "Emerging Biological Threats and Public Health Preparedness" 01/18/2021 - 2021 - CBRNe Master courses - Enrollments open 01/12/2021 - Special Issue "Measurements, Instrumentation, Sensing and Simulation Techniques for the Detection of Radiation" 01/11/2021 - Best Presentation award for the 106 National Congress of Physics - SIF 2020 01/08/2021 - Dr. Antonio Parrilla selected by the World Health Organization to participate in the First WHO Infodemic manager training 01/05/2021 - Testing the identification effectiveness of an unknown outbreak of the Infectious Diseases Seeker (IDS) using and comparing the novel coronavirus disease (COVID 01/04/2021 - Numerical simulations of radioactive dust particle releases during a Loss Of Vacuum Accident in a nuclear fusion reactor 12/23/2020 - Final Report - SICC Series CBRNe Conference 12/02/2020 - Dr. Vincenzo Trombadore Questore di Macerata 11/29/2020 - Premio Italia Giovane a Gian Marco Ludovici 11/23/2020 - 41° Course COCIM 11/20/2020 - Adaptive Quasi-Unsupervised Detection of Smoke Plume by LiDAR 11/17/2020 - Mass Decontamination of Fragile and Disabled Groups Following an Urban CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) Incident 11/05/2020 - "Risk Assessment of Chemical Threats to EU Cross-Border Tunnels”. Join the "TRANSTUN Network" 11/04/2020 - SICC CBRN On-Line CONFERENCE - Special issue C&R62 11/03/2020 - 10-12 December 2020 - Virtual Conference SICC CBRNe 11/02/2020 - Virtual Conference - SICC CBRNe 2020 10/31/2020 - Nuovo Test Rapido per COVID-19 10/30/2020 - SICC Series - Abstract Submission 09 November 2020 10/29/2020 - Dr. Nicola Simona Speaker at the PROACTIVE conference 10/27/2020 - PhD Discussion Andrea Chierici 10/21/2020 - Presentazione attività di formazione, ricerca ed addestramento in ambito CBRNe 10/20/2020 - TRANSTUN Mid-Term Webinar on “Risk Assessment of Chemical Threats to EU Cross-Border Tunnels”. 10/14/2020 - New Scientific Paper Published 10/14/2020 - Patent: PORTABLE DEVICE FOR DETECTING DRUGS IN BREATH 10/13/2020 - Emergency Communication Module 10/12/2020 - CBRN Book series 10/09/2020 - EuProtect - 1 year 10/08/2020 - Comunica con TUTTI! 10/06/2020 - New Scientific Paper Published 09/30/2020 - Session 4 - 2nd Level MasterCBRN Thesis Discussion 09/28/2020 - Session 3 - Thesis 2nd Level Master CBRNe 09/27/2020 - Paper of Just-in-time training webinar of June 18 09/25/2020 - Thesis Session 2, Second Level Master CBRNe 09/25/2020 - National Commission for Elrderly Assistance 09/21/2020 - New scientific paper published 09/18/2020 - New Scientific paper published 09/16/2020 - Thesis of Dr. Nicola Simone 09/10/2020 - SICC - Scientific International Conference on CBRNe 09/10/2020 - New Scientific Paper Published 09/06/2020 - MasterCBRN Didactic Board 09/04/2020 - RESIST H2020 Project 08/27/2020 - MasterCBRNe Directive Board 08/22/2020 - New Scientific Paper Published 08/17/2020 - Investigation and CBRNe 08/10/2020 - Interview to CBRNe Master candidates 08/05/2020 - Explosion in Beirut 07/31/2020 - CALL FOR EXPERTS TO ATTEND OPERATIONAL WORKSHOPS ON CBRN PROCESSES/PROTOCOLS AND EQUIPMENT (TRANSTUN PROJECT) 07/07/2020 - Webinar on Dynamic Catalogue of technologies 06/20/2020 - New book published - CBRNe book series 06/18/2020 - JUST-IN-TIME TRAINING A JOINT LIVE WEBINAR ON BEST PRACTICES AND METHODOLOGIES IN THE MEDICAL, FLOOD RESPONSE AND CBRN FIELDS 06/10/2020 - Newsletter Trastun project 06/04/2020 - Lesson learned from the recovery of an orphan source inside a maritime cargo: analysis of the nuclear instrumentations used, and measures realized during the op 06/02/2020 - Romeo Gallo Insignito del Diploma di onoreficenza al merito della Repubblica 05/22/2020 - Evento stampa 05/20/2020 - OPCW GRANT 05/19/2020 - Special Issue on Laser Based Remote Sensors for Environmental Science: Apparatus, Measurements and Analysis Techniques 05/17/2020 - Dr. Giovanni Rezza at Ministry of Health 05/15/2020 - Click and Read 60 05/15/2020 - Final Thesis Discussion - Gaetano Marzano 05/14/2020 - “La straordinaria avventura della scoperta dei quasicristalli naturali” 05/12/2020 - CBRNe Master Course - Announcements Published 05/10/2020 - New Scientific Paper published on Atmosphere 05/09/2020 - EUProtect partners met online for the first GA Meeting 05/06/2020 - Project Resist - H2020 05/05/2020 - Video LIS - Corretto Lavaggio delle Mani 04/24/2020 - Video of the WebConference COVID19 04/22/2020 - WebConference COVID19 04/16/2020 - PhD completed for Dr. Gabbarini, Dr. Rossi and Dr. Gabriele 04/15/2020 - New scietific paper published on ATMOSPHERE (MDPI) 04/14/2020 - New scientific paper published on Defence and Technical Bullettin 04/13/2020 - THE ROLE OF THE HAZMAT AND THE INSARAG CERTIFICATION PROCESS OF THE ITALIAN USAR HEAVY TEAM 04/10/2020 - CBRN Gate : Click and Read n.59 04/06/2020 - Welcome to Biological Module - First Level Master CBRNe 04/05/2020 - New Scientific Paper Published! 04/05/2020 - COVID-19 WebConference 23 of April 2020 04/01/2020 - Nationalities of CBRNe Master Students 03/30/2020 - Welcome to Master CBRNe Courses 2020 03/29/2020 - Area NEWS now on CBRNe gate 12/14/2019 - 2nd International Conference on CBRNe - SICC Series 12/13/2019 - Admissions open 06/12/2017 - Check the SICC2017 videos! 06/05/2017 - SICC2017 Conference Photos are online 05/27/2017 - PRESS about #SICC2017, the first scientific international conference on CBRNE 05/19/2017 - SICC 2017 Conference under the auspices of the Italian Ministry of Health 05/19/2017 - How Professors and End Users can get the best out of SICC 2017 conference 03/30/2017 - Students and Researchers: why should you join SICC 2017 Conference? 03/24/2017 - Launch of OPCW 20th Anniversary Website and Resources 02/27/2017 - SICC 2017 becomes Social! Check our Videos and Facebook page 02/06/2017 - SICC 2017 Conference Proceedings will be published by Springer and indexed in Scopus 01/13/2017 - SICC 2017 Conference will include the OPCW 20th Anniversary Event 12/21/2016 - CBRN Network of Excellence promotes SICC 2017 Conference 12/21/2016 - SICC 2017 Conference Second Annoucement now online! 12/16/2016 - HESAR entering into cooperation agreement with the University of Rome Tor Vergata 12/05/2016 - The HESAR ambitious vision presented at the OPCW 21st Conference of State Parties 11/29/2016 - More than 230 experts attending the 3rd International CBRNe Workshop 11/23/2016 - HESAR listed as a member of the CWC Coalition 11/21/2016 - HESAR Participation at the OPCW 21st Session of the Conference of State Parties