Dear colleagues,
It is a pleasure announce that 25-26 November 2021 we had our first Table Top Excersise in presence at the University since the beginning of this pandemic situation.
INAC, a division of HESAR, with one of the best CBRNe expert in the world Michael Ian Thornton together with the President and the Deputy President of HESAR Dr. Alba Iannotti and Dr. Colomba Russo and two of the CBRNe Research Fellows of the University of Rome Tor Vergata Dr. Riccardo Quaranta and Dr. Cristiano Franchi with the remote help of the colleague and Friend Dr. Andrea Chierici have organized a double TTX on chemical emergency. One in presence and in parallel one in telematic way with a double debriefing the day 2.
We want to thanks not only the organizing but also the amazing candidates that, with their presence, have made this possible.
We want also to evidence that almost all the participants to the TTX in presence were women. Klara, Casandra, Grace, Florinda, Antonella, Stefania, Morela with Omar and Salvatore have done a beautiful work in class. We do need more women in the emergency world. It fundamental to reduce risks and save more life.
Thank you all and...STAY TUNED!!! We are...BACK IN CLASS!!!!
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