Dear colleagues,
It is a pleasure to report the news of the visit that has been done by a group of students from the class of "Nuclear Measures and Instrumentations" of the Master Degree in Energetic Engineering and from the International Master Courses in Protection Against CBRNe Events of the University of Rome Tor Vergata accompanied by Prof. Andrea Malizia.
The visit has been done on the 07 of June 2022 at the "National Operative Centre" of the Italian Firefighters Department that is located inside the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Palazzo del Viminale.
This activity has been possible thanks to the initiative of Ing. Clara Modesto, Head of the "Office for the fight against NBCR risk and for specialized services" (Capo dell' Ufficio per il contrasto al rischio NBCR e per i servizi specializzati) that we want to thank officially to let our students live a unique and amazing experience.
The opening of the work has been done by Ing. Marco Ghimenti, Head of the "Central Directorate for Emergency, Technical Rescue and Forest Fire" (Capo della Direzione Centrale per l'Emergenza, il Soccorso Tecnico e l'Antincendio) that has explained how large are the competences of the Central Directorate of the Emergencies and how many competencies are available to protect our Nation and cooperate at International level.
The continuation of the work has been done by Ing. Carlo Metelli, Head of the "Coordination and management office of the emergency and Vicar of the Central Director" (Capo dell' Ufficio di Coordinamento e Gestione dell'Emergenza e Vicario del Direttore Centrale) that has reported, together with Ing. Clara Modesto and Ing. Stefania Fiore (Expert for Chemical-Biological Emergencies) many case studies and lessons learned over the years of services.
We had also a full immersive lecture with Ing. Lorenzo Elia, Head of the "National Operative Centre" (Capo del Centro Operativo Nazionale) which has explained in detail all the competencies, instruments, vehicles, and activities that are done in case of emergencies and crisis situations. We want to apologize to Ing. Elia because we have interrupted his lecture many times with multiple questions but it was very interesting and the class had superb participation.
We have received also final addresses from Pref. Cinzia Guercio, Head of "Central Directorate for Civil Defense and Civil Protection Policies and Deputy Head of Department" (Capo della Direzione Centrale per la Difesa Civile e le Politiche di Protezione Civile - Vice Capo Dipartimento).
The day is concluded with the exchange of the official plaques and with the details of the visit at the "Atomic Laboratories" that has been done the 08 of June 2022 and that we will report in another news.
We are thankful not only for the visit but for the official cooperation among our entities and the amazing work that you do 24/7.
We are proud to work with you.
link: https://www.vigilfuoco.it/aspx/direzioni_centrali.aspx?Uff=10038
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