Dear colleagues,
Our colleagues Prof. Pasquale Gaudio and Prof. Daniele Di Giovanni participated in the Joint Final Conference of eNOTICE_H2020, PROACTIVE_EU & PANDEM-2 at the BAO centre in Brussels, Belgium.
This joint conference represented a unique opportunity to present the key results and recommendations from eNOTICE & PROACTIVE, and to enable the teams of three different projects to discuss critical findings and recommendations in areas such as:
- Synergies and partnerships in CBRNe research, training and operations
- CBRNe and pandemics preparedness
- Key exploitable results (KERs) and recommendations
- Strategies, synergies, and long-term exploitation of results
The last day has been entirely dedicated to the PANDEM-2 project.
To further enrich the work of the conference, representatives from DG HOME, DG HERA and DG SANTE participated in the conference activities.
The outstanding results of these days demonstrate how beneficial it is to bring together complementary projects, and to see that this bears fruit on national, European, and international dimensions, both at the operational level and at the strategic level.
This is essential to increase and ensure the safety of first responders and the population during cross-border CBRN events and pandemics.
We sincerely thank all the partners of the eNOTICE consortium for their great professionality and fruitful and continuous collaboration during the 6 years of the project's operation. We look forward to seeing what will develop from this extraordinary network in the future!
#CBRN #Training #Security #Safety #Europe #response #preparedness #vulnerability
For more information on these Projects:
eNOTICE (civil-military network of European CBRN Training Centers)
PROACTIVE (PReparedness against CBRNE threats through cOmmon Approaches between security praCTItioners and the VulnerablE civil society)
(Pandemic Preparedness and Response) together on stage in Brussels, for the first day of this final 3-day conference.
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