Dear colleagues,
19-20 and 21 February 2024 took place at the University of Rome Tor Vergata the final TTX for the First and Second Level MasterCBRNe students.
The students have faced a challenging emergency scenario and received over 40 injects in 2 days. The third day has been dedicated to the presentation and discussion of results.
The classes have been divided, First Responders and Advisor of Decision Makers, with the same TTX but two different approaches to facing the emergency.
It was the last activity before the thesis discussion for the students of the Second Level MasterCBRNe.
The students of the First Level MasterCBRNe have now the second year of the course to complete, with all the training activities, the internship, and the Final Discussion of the thesis.
We want to thank the coordinator and creator of TTX, Dr. Michael Ian Thornton, for his amazing work during that year. If we are growing as a course is thanks to experts and friends like you Mike. Thank you so much.
We have to continue thanking Doctors: Alba Iannotti, Colomba Russo, Grace Xerri Quaranta, and Riccardo Quaranta. TTX can be done without your help in terms of creative contributions and facilitators' activities.
Thank you guys, you are amazing.
Next Monday we will start with the new editions of the 2 courses so....
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