Dear colleagues,
We are very proud to announce that yesterday, 26th February 2024, the 13th edition of the 2nd Level MasterCBRNe and the 8th edition of the 1st Level MasterCBRNe started.
The ceremony was opened by the Rector of the Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Prof. Nathan Levialdi Ghiron, who stressed the importance of education, training, and research and of International cooperation in case of CBRNe events.
The Faculty of Medicine and Surgery and the Department of Industrial Engineering have been represented by Prof. Gianfranco Bosco (on behalf of the Dean Prof. Stefano Marini) and the Director of Department Prof. Loredana Santo pointing out the importance of inter-faculties (and multidisciplinary) cooperations.
Prof. Pasquale Gaudio has talked about the progress of Engineering and Physics Research on CBRNe and Prof. Francesco d'Errico about the heritage of Prof. Carlo Bellecci.
The ceremony has continued with the welcoming of the Didactic Coordinator Dr. Colomba Russo, Dr. Alba Iannotti Ph.D., and of Dr. Riccardo Quaranta Didactic Coordinator of MasterMENTS.
The welcoming continued with all the present members of the Didactic Boards doctors: Daniele Di Giovanni, Luca Martellucci, Grace Xerri, M.Sc., M.S.Ed , Alessandro Puleio, and Gaetano Carminati.
Prof. Andrea Malizia has warmly thanked Mr. Andrea Bernabei for yesterday, as usual, facilitated the day and all the members of the Directive Board that were not there but help us daily: Prof. Leonardo Palombi and the Section of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Prof. Guglielmo Manenti Avv. Avv. Ombretta Picchioni, Prof. Susana De Lalic, Col. Andrea Gloria, Dr. Gian Marco Contessa, Dr. Marco D'Arienzo, Dr. Andrea Chierici, Dr. Michael Thornton, Dr. Dieter Rothbacher, Dr. Luigi Antonio Poggi, and the one and only Dr. Riccardo Rossi.
Prof. Andrea Malizia gave the CREST to the Rector to thank him for all the support.
We want to thank ENEA, SOGIN, NBC School of Rieti and Master di Radioprotezione of University of Rome Tor Vergata (Prof. Roberto Senesi and Prof. Giovanni Romanelli) for their participation in the ceremony.
The day continued with the beautiful Lectio Magistralis of Dr. Francesco d'Errico our Scientific Coordinator and Full Professor of Nuclear Measurements and Instrumentation at the University of Pisa.
The afternoon started with Module 1, the first lecturer was Prof. Radovan Karkalić, Full Professor at the University of Belgrade, and Colonel of the Serbian Army.
Thank you all for the beautiful day and.....WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW STUDENTS!
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