Dear colleagues,
On Monday 10 June a delegation from several 1st en 2nd level Master Course students (7th Edition of the First Level MasterCBRNe and 12th and 13th Editions of the Second Level Master CBRNe) visited the Dutch Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service located in Soesterberg, The Netherlands. The students had the opportunity to experience the ‘e’ within the abbreviation CBRNe in person. The students learned that the small ‘e’ might suggest that explosives are less dangerous than their Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear counterparts in capital letters. But the students realised that explosives pose a serious risk themselves and could contribute to the spread of CBRN substances.
-The day started with a general presentation about the NLD EOD, their tasks and responsibilities within The Netherlands and abroad. The NLD EOD responds to over 2.500 individual cases every year;
-The following activity was a guided tour trough the study collection of the NLD EOD, the tour was focused on Old Chemical Weapons (OCW’s) and conventional ammunition that contains toxic materials;
-After a lunch the visit continued with a live demonstration. The demonstration was split up in two parts. The first part was about the general effect of explosives, the differences between a detonation and a deflagration, primary and secondary explosives etc.. The second part was about Home Made Explosives (HME’s), the demonstration showed the students the ease to make and the power of HME’s;
-After the live demonstration the students had to opportunity to visit the CBRN EOD platoon of the NLD EOD. The students had to chance to see the equipment of the specialised platoon. Some students where able to train with specialised CBRN EOD PPE’s;
-The day ended with a small informal icebreaker that included some typical snacks from The Netherlands, Bitterballen;
We want to thank Colonel Vredegoor (https://www.linkedin.com/in/niels-vredegoor-b0430722/?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app) for the opportunity to visit the Dutch Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service. We would also like to thank Captain van Drunen, Captain Thiessens, Warrant Officer van Schaik and several other presenters/instructors for organising the visit.
the MasterCBRNe Directive Board - University of Rome Tor Vergata
link: https://linktr.ee/eodd
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