Dear colleagues,
We are glad to announce that the third week of June we have completed the module of the Master CBRNe devoted to Radiological/Nuclear Risk.
We have started with our President of the Scientific Committee and Coordinator of this module Prof. Francesco d'Errico from the University of Pisa - Università di Pisa. Prof. d'Errico in the first 2 days of the module together with Col. Raffaele Zagarella (Italian Army) and Prof. Susana De Souza Lalic (Federal University of Sergipe, Brasil) introduced the main concept of RN risks, types of detectors, analysis of uncertainties, atomic bombs, and main dosimetry concept with some training in class as well as exercises sessions.
On the third day we had Dr. Gian Marco Contessa (Italian Institute of Health, ISS) and Prof. Roberto Senesi (Department of Physics, University of Rome Tor Vergata) in the morning have introduced the fundamentals of radiation protection.
Dr. Giacomo Mangiagalli from CAEN sys in the afternoon held an interactive session on instrumentation to measure radiation.
On the fourth day, we had Dr. Carlo Rusconi, Dr. Giovanni Calabresi, and Dr. Roberto Falcone from our partner SOGIN who held an amazing day on nuclear plant safety, security, decommissioning, and national and international legislation.
The fifth day was with Prof. Arturo Vargas head of the Radioactivity and the Environment research group of the INTE at the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC) - Spain held an amazing lecture about the use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and the possibility to use those for RN measures.
We want to thank all the lecturers and Dr. Colomba Russo, Dr. Alba Iannotti, and Dr. Riccardo Quaranta for their important contributions.
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