Dear colleagues,
We are glad to report the interesting activity we do thanks to CNR of Milan and our colleague and friend Dr. Matteo Guidotti (Coordinator of the entire workshop) that is the TTX we run for the participants of the OPCW workshop "GENERAL ASPECTS OF CHEMICAL SAFETY AND SECURITY IN LABORATORIES".
The Technical Secretariat of the OPCW (the Secretariat) has informed all the Member States about this workshop on general aspects of chemical safety and security in laboratories held from 8 to 11 October 2024 in Milan, Italy.
The workshop has been co-organized by the OPCW and the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Technologies “Giulio Natta” of the Italian National Research Council, in cooperation with Federchimica (Italy) and the University of Rome – Tor Vergata - MasterCBRNe, and with support from the National Authority of Italy.
The members of our Directive Board Michael Ian Thornton and our 2nd Level MasterCBRNe Didactic Coordinator Colomba Russo held table tabletop exercise about chemical safety and securities with 20 chemical experts who participated in the workshop coming from all over the world.
It Is the fourth year that the Master in Protection against CBRNe has been involved in this event.
We would Like to thank Mike for the continuous support and Matteo for the invitation and perfect organization.
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