Dear colleagues,
We are glad to announce that the group members of Quantum Electronics and Plasma Physics, coordinated by Prof. Pasquale Gaudio of the Department of Industrial Engineering (University of Rome Tor Vergata) have partecipated at the 7th Edition of the International Conference Frontiers in Diagnotics Technologies held at the INFN in Frascati. (21-23 October 2024)
Several Oral and Poster presentations about Laser Diagnostics, Nuclear Fusion and CBRNe security have been presented by the Senior and Junior Fellows partecipating at the Conference (Prof. Andrea
Malizia, Prof. Michela Gelfusa, Dr. Emmanuele Peluso, Dr. Riccardo Rossi, Dr. Luca Martellucci, Ivan Wyss, Alessandro Puleio, Novella Rutigliano, Valentina D'Agostino, Vasiliki
It was a good opportunity to meet the colleagues and exchange ideas about the research projects.
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