Dear colleagues,
It is a pleasure to announce that it has been published the book n.20 of our CBRN Book Series.
To be or not to be “resilient”? That is the problem
Resilience applied on CBRNe threat
CBRNe risk is something dramatically presents in our world and lives which means that we must face this hazard and be prepared to manage incident situations. Syria, Iraq, Salisbury and other incidents have shown us that we cannot forget or underestimate this terrible threat. As a consequence, the most important challenge is to be aware of this hazard, be well prepared and trained. Therefore, the question is: how can we deal with CBRNe threat? Resilience is the answer: the need for a comprehensive approach that embraces military and civilian organizations in a common effort to prevent, protect and recovery from the CBRNe threat, starting from being CBRNe aware. So, the very first step that we can make to face this threat is to be resilient, by building our community in order to better tackle a catastrophic situation following a CBRNe incident, or attack. With this book I cannot say that I have found a one-fits-all-solution regarding how to become resilient and, consequently, build resilience, but I confirm the absolute necessity of everyone, each community, organization and country to be “CBRNe resilient” through some possible approaches and guidance that can help us along this challenging way.
Congratulation to Paolo for this important achievement.
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